h2copy vaneau copy shop paris


On the left bank of Paris, near Le Bon Marché department store

English level of our team : 4/5

Address : h2copy Vaneau - 103 rue de Sèvres -  galerie le Sevrien - 75006 - Paris. In the passageway on the right hand side. Wheelchair accessible. You can also come to our workshop from the 92A rue du Cherche-Midi and walk towards the very end of the passageway where you will find us on the left.


Opening hours : 09.30am - 1pm / 2pm - 6.30pm  Monday to Friday

Tel : 00 33 1 45 49 40 60


Payment methods : cash, Visa, Mastercard & wire transfert.


Printing solutions : B&W and colour printing, binding solutions (wire'o, plastic comb, thermal binding, staples), HD giclee inkjet printing up to 105cm wide, A5, A4 and A3 laminated sheets, document scan...


Papers : from 80gsm to 350gsm ; smooth, recycled, textured, waterproof and a wide range of light coloured papers (for thicker papers check our Gobelins workshop), complete paper list down below.

Métro : Vaneau line 10, Duroc line 13, Saint-Placide line 4 and Sèvres Babylone line 12.

Vélib' : at the corner with Vaneau street

certified printing company in france
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Please send them by Email to vaneau@h2copy.fr or with a transfer link (more than 10 Mo) such as wetransfer.com or grosfichiers.com. Don't forget to fill in the message field. 

Orders cannot be taken into account before you get a confirmation from one of the people of our team. 
Don't forget to write down precisely what you want to print (format, paper, quantities...). For more specific requests, please check our website here first (with quotation form). 

Production time will be given as a response to your request. Any question, don't hesitate to call us directly. 


If you want an invoice, please give all billing details in your request. 

You can ask directly for a quote via this form below. For companies, please don't forget to specify all fields. 

If you have heavy attached files to send, please use our email address vaneau@h2copy.fr or wetransfer.com


Note : veuillez remplir les champs marqués d'un *.


Reprography (on site) :

  • Laser silk : 100, 160, 300gsm
  • Coated Silk : 135, 170, 300gsm
  • Coated Matte : 350gsm
  • Recycled white : 90, 135, 300, 350gsm
  • Postcard paper : 350gsm
  • Textured pure white or cream Olin Rough : 120, 300gsm
  • Textured Tradition high white : 320gsm
  • Textured Laid high white : 300gsm
  • Textured wood free Bagasse Meringue : 120, 250, 350gsm
  • Adhesive sheets : several kinds
  • Carbonless papers : 3 colours
  • Wide range of coloured papers : 80 to 200 gsm
  • Tracing paper 150g and clear sheets
  • Waterproof paper Fiberskin : 215, 365gsm
  • PET sheets Robuskin : 260gsm and 365gsm


Wide formats up to 105cm (44' - on site) :

  • 180gsm matt
  • 200gsm silk
  • 190gsm enhanced matte Epson
  • 240gsm Fine Art 100% cotton
  • please click here to access our other website with hundreds of other products.

h2copy Vaneau, printing copy shop Paris near Le Bon Marché 75006

A printer near the Bon Marché or Cherche Midi street has recently opened. In this copy station, you will be able to order copies, posters, business cards, rigid panels and many more. Don't hesitate to contact our team or come directly and meet us with your documents or your files on a USB drive. We will be happy to assist you. If you need a copy shop in the eastern bank district which is a rather big area at the edge of 3 arrondissements : 75006, 75014 and 75015 (and more further), you can come to us. We provide a self service copy service, binding solutions, laminating or HD scan possibilities up to 105cm wide (and up to 150cm width with delay). You can also click on our main office website where you will be redirected to our main office. Digital printing in Paris is a very quick way to obtain the printed documents you need. Our printing shop is based not far away from the Saint Germain neighbourhood as well as all the Montparnasse railway station. Please note that we cannot deliver on exhibition halls during a show. You will have to have your printed documents delivered to a hotel or pick them up. Feel free to contact us.

Groupe h2prod   -  2025 - cliquez sur le centre h2 de votre choix pour nous contacter

Tout droits réservés ®


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